– 100-004 – FAQ: Completed Class Form
When am I required to submit the Completed Class Form?
Please let us know every time you complete a Recorded Class Attendance for the first time:
• Required if absent from a live class.
• Submit after first time completion.
• Include your full name and email.
• Tell us what you learned in the class.
• Share questions or comments, if any.
• Click submit when complete.
• A confirmation stating “Thank you for your message. It has been sent.” will appear.
How does the Competed Class Form contribute to my participation during a course?
The Competed Class Form allows students to become active participants during a course, even when absent from a live class. The form provides a platform for absent students to ask questions and share experiences that come up when completing a Recorded Class Attendance. By completing the above form, your teachers will know where you stand in your course and be able to offer personalized support when needed.
How does The Psychic School track student attendance and participation?
The Psychic School keeps a record of student attendance and participation which allows teachers to reach out to students who are having difficulty keeping up with the course and provide them with support and encouragement. During live classes, teachers record the student attendance of those who are present. When you miss a live class, we ask that you submit a Completed Class Form so we can mark you down as having attended. Attendance records are particularly important for students enrolled in The Clairvoyant Training Program and The Clairvoyant Teachers Program.
What are the attendance requirements for The Clairvoyant Training Program and The Clairvoyant Teachers Program?
Throughout The Clairvoyant Training Program and The Clairvoyant Teachers Program, teachers will record your participation in live classes, live readings, and live healing clinics at the time of each event. These records are confirmed by the administration when crosschecked with conference logs. Students who miss live classes are required to submit Completed Class Forms which are also used to track your participation.
Although our record keeping is quite effective, it is not perfect. If you notice errors in your participation, please email info@psychicschool.com to notify us. We will double-check and update our records accordingly.
Students in said programs are required to complete the following in order to progress and graduate:
Monthly Requirements:
• Complete all clairvoyant classes.
• Complete all energy check assignments.
• Attend at least four practice readings.
• Attend at least one healing clinic.
• Receive one teacher energy check.
Graduation Requirements:
• Complete Clairvoyant Healing 101 Class.
• Complete Clairvoyant Healing 102 Class.