About Us | The Psychic School

About Us

The Mission

The Psychic School is a spiritual sanctuary where individuals from around the world come together and use psychic tools designed to unlock and awaken natural clairvoyance. Clairvoyance allows you to find your own answers, solve the biggest of problems, see and communicate with angels, explore past lives and Akashic records, and read the auras, chakras, and spirits of the people around you.

The Psychic School is dedicated to awakening the highest potential of the human spirit. Together we are owning our psychic abilities, embracing cosmic consciousness, and connecting with universal divinity. We offer foundational courses, continuational classes, downloadable workshops, graduational programs, as well as psychic readingsspiritual healings, and meditation retreats to anyone with an open heart and an open mind. At The Psychic School, you will use your psychic abilities to create a more meaningful, healthy and joyful life.

Our Foundational Courses form the base of everything we teach. Taken in progression, step-by-step; you will unlock your psychic abilities and discover how powerful you really are. Each course builds on the last, taking what you have learned thus far and adding up from there. You will own your clairvoyance, learn what you can do with your clairvoyance, see and communicate with your angel guides, and heal your body, mind, and soul.

Step One: Clairvoyant Meditation 101 Class (Live) – Teaches the tools used to own your clairvoyance. You will bring your spirit into your body, focus your consciousness and awareness into your third eye, run earth and cosmic energy through your chakras to open and activate all of your psychic abilities, manage your sensitivity and protect yourself from the influence of others, and use your clairvoyance to create and manifest your goals.

Step Two: Clairvoyant Meditation 102 Class (Live) – Teaches the tools that allow you to focus and use your clairvoyance. You will master your creativity while getting control over your reality, heal yourself from pain and release traumas from the past, use your clairvoyance to solve problems with ease, clear a building from negativity and unwanted spirits, use neutrality as a form of psychic protection, and integrate meditation into your daily life.

Continue: The Clairvoyant Training Program (Live) – The heart and soul of The Psychic School, a one-year intensive that teaches you how to see the human spirit. You will learn how to read an aura, open the chakras, access past lives, communicate with spirit guides, heal yourself and others, and control your reality. This is a time of incredible healing and transformation, a life changing experience with rewards that last a lifetime and beyond.

Expand: Clairvoyant Healing 101 Class (live) – Teaches the tools for spiritual healing and how to see and communicate with angels. You will  awaken your healing abilities and use them for yourself, no longer using your own body and energy to take on the pain and problems of others. Instead, you will learn to work with angels we call Healing Masters to heal yourself and others, all while becoming proficient at performing various types of healings.

Complete: Clairvoyant Healing 102 Class (Live) – Teaches the tools for cellular healing on the physical body. You will work with an additional angel called a Psychic Surgeon, performing healings on nerves, muscles, bone, and organs. You will learn how to repair whacks to the aura, remove the control of others, perform Supreme Being healings, heal the relationships between individuals, and use your healing skills in emergency situations.

Our Continuational Courses take the psychic tools you have learned in our foundational Clairvoyant Meditation 101 Class and Clairvoyant Meditation 102 Class and applies them to an assortment of special interest subjects. Available as live telephone and online classes, they allow for student participation and interaction, along with MP3 copies upon completion. These courses promote practical application of your psychic tools in a variety of everyday topics.

Women’s Intuition Courses (Live) – These two courses are a female sanctuary, a space for celebrating the great feminine and rediscovering the goddess within. You will fully express your spiritual divinity through your female body and create radical self acceptance and embrace personal empowerment. These classes are a sacred offering to and for all women, mastering female energy and creative essence. Completion of Clairvoyant Meditation 102 Class is required.

Psychic Abilities Workshops (Live) – These two-hour workshops create additional opportunities to continue your psychic development; showing you how to use your psychic tools for a variety of personal, career, and spiritual goals. In these playful workshops, you will gain proficiency as a blossoming psychic, enhance your clairvoyant awareness, and maintain a consistent practice with your daily meditations. Completion of Clairvoyant Meditation 102 Class is required.

Body’s Best Friend Series Workshops (Live) – This series for 2022 features a collection of ten workshops, focused on developing friendship, communication, and camaraderie between your body and your spirit. Each class addresses how spirit can mange issues of the body including addiction, emotion and creativity. You are welcome to participate in one individual workshop or experience the complete series of all ten classes. Completion of Clairvoyant Meditation 102 Class is required.

Creative Transformation Series Workshops (Live) – This series for 2021 features a collection of ten workshops, focused on strengthening your creative ability to manifest your goals and dreams. Each class addresses the creative abilities of spirit and the ability to manifest through the body. You are welcome to participate in one individual workshop or experience the complete series of all ten classes. Completion of Clairvoyant Meditation 102 Class is required.

Our Downloadable Courses allow instant access to our library database of recorded MP3 classes, all for students who have completed our foundational Clairvoyant Meditation 101 Class and Clairvoyant Meditation 102 Class. Featuring an assortment of subject materials, these MP3s reinforce your meditation tools and intensify your healing skills through a variety of everyday topics, all while accelerating your spiritual growth and creating miraculous changes in your life.

Clairvoyant Meditation 103 Classes (MP3) – These one-hour MP3 downloads advance your psychic tools beyond our Clairvoyant Meditation 102 Class. You will enhance the psychic tools you’ve already learned, expand your clairvoyant arsenal with new techniques, and reinforce your daily meditation practice; all while facilitating continued spiritual growth and enhancing your creative abilities in daily life. Completion of Clairvoyant Meditation 102 Class is required.

Clairvoyant Healing 103 Classes (MP3) – These one-hour MP3 downloads expand upon the healing tools you learned in our Clairvoyant Healing 102 Class. You will strengthen your relationship with your angels, discover new healing energies to work with, and develop advance healing procedures and techniques, all while deepening your ability to heal yourself and the people of your choosing. Completion of Clairvoyant Healing 102 Class is required.

Psychic Abilities Workshops (MP3) – These two-hour MP3 workshops allow you to hone your psychic skills and expand your clairvoyant abilities. In this downloadable playground, you will flex your clairvoyant muscles, strengthening your psychic abilities, and stay in tip-top form with consistent use of your meditation tools, all while creating meaningful transformation in your everyday life. Completion of Clairvoyant Meditation 102 Class is required.

Body’s Best Friend Series Workshops (MP3) – This series for 2022 features a collection of ten workshops, focused on developing friendship, communication, and camaraderie between your body and your spirit. Each class addresses how spirit can mange issues of the body including addiction, emotion and creativity. You are welcome to participate in one individual workshop or experience the complete series of all ten classes. Completion of Clairvoyant Meditation 102 Class is required.

Creative Transformation Series Workshops (MP3) – This series for 2021 features a collection of ten workshops, focused on strengthening your creative ability to manifest your goals and dreams. Each class addresses the creative abilities of spirit and the ability to manifest through the body. You are welcome to participate in one individual workshop or experience the complete series of all ten classes. Completion of Clairvoyant Meditation 102 Class is required.

Body Wellness Series Workshops (MP3) – This series for 2020 features a collection of ten workshops, focused on creating health and wellness in the physical body. Each class addresses the life experiences and spiritual influences affecting your ability to experience joy in the body. You are welcome to participate in one individual workshop or experience the complete series of all ten classes. Completion of Clairvoyant Meditation 102 Class is required.

Relationship Series Workshops (MP3) – This 2019 series focuses on your relationships with lovers, family, friends, and most importantly yourself. A collection of ten workshops, each class explores what influences your present time relationships, providing an opportunity for healing and transformation. You are welcome to download one individual workshop or experience the complete series of all ten classes. Completion of Clairvoyant Meditation 102 Class is required.

Money Series Workshops (MP3) – This series from 2018 features a collection of ten workshops, focused on money and prosperity. Each class addresses the life experiences and spiritual influences affecting your financial reality, creating an opportunity to release old patterns and transform your relationship with money. You are welcome to download one individual workshop or experience the complete series of all ten classes. Completion of Clairvoyant Meditation 102 Class is required.

Our Graduation Courses are open to individuals who have completed The Clairvoyant Training Program and beyond. These advance programs take your psychic abilities to powerful new levels. Each program has its own focus, a unique direction for expanded development, healing, and empowerment. A spiritual sanctuary providing support and guidance, students create miracles and master skills that impact every aspect of their life and beyond.

The Clairvoyant Teachers Program (Live) – Develop the crown chakra’s ability of “knowingness” to gain full control over your reality. This program gives you the skills to manage successful businesses, manifest health and wellness in the body, create balanced nurturing relationships, and essentially manifest anything else you set your mind to. Take everything you have learned thus far and elevate it to a whole new level of empowerment.

The Trance Medium Program (Live) – Develop the crown chakra’s ability of “mediumship” for transformative healing and divine communication. This program is a bridge between heaven and earth, the spiritual and the physical; when fully aware of both sides, you become a powerful creator, and life becomes exciting, dynamic and the fun game it is meant to be. Joy and fulfillment are no longer a future pursuit, but a state of present time beingness.

The Teachings

There are many forms of meditation in this world and various modalities for healing as well.  The Psychic School is unique in the teachings we offer, based on techniques that utilize mental image pictures, visualizations that serve specific goals for expanding awareness, focusing consciousness, and healing ourselves. We provide a new way of understanding our earthly world, a new language to explain it. Through clairvoyant meditation, we see the world with eyes of clarity and from a neutral perspective. As many of the world’s problems seem inexplicable and insurmountable to the average person; to a clairvoyant, they are very simple psychic energies that are easy to transcend.

The Psychic School is not based on New Age philosophy, focusing only on a “love and light” mentality. Our psychic teachings are ancient in origin, focusing on clear vision and discernment, to tell a truth from a lie, to see the light and separate from the dark. The psychic tools we offer are based on age-old teachings from around the world and from varying cultures throughout time, all brought together in a cohesive meditation system that is simple to use, but powerfully efficient in application. Our courses, workshops and programs teach the ways of spirit, the mechanics of creating one’s reality on a spiritual level so that we can manifest in our earthly life. What makes us so different is our ability to take spiritual concepts and apply them to our everyday world for practical useful application towards any and all goals.

Personal growth through clairvoyant meditation
Simple & efficient tools for psychic development
Psychic tools that expand creativity & awareness
Courses from home over the phone & internet
Connection with psychics from around the world

Optional MP3 attendance when time conflicts
MP3 copies of all classes for personal review
Psychic readings on all aspects of life & beyond
Spiritual healings that facilitate transformation
Easy & fun meditations with observable results

Established in 2000, The Psychic School is the first psychic development center to offer long-distance clairvoyant training from the comfort of one’s home. We are the only organization of its kind that is 100% devoted to teaching over the telephone and online. No other school is more dedicated and committed to psychic development through distance learning.

We are founded in the belief that everyone should have access to psychic tools and the spiritual freedom they bring. The Psychic School is a spiritual haven where sensitive people can develop their psychic abilities for self-healing, gaining information, and finding the answers they seek. In our telephone and online classrooms, teachers and students come together to learn, laugh, meditate, and play as we explore and develop our psychic abilities in a safe and exciting way.

The Video Tour

The Difference

The Psychic School is founded on the concept of spirit, the knowledge that our physical world is a manifestation of a spiritual reality. Our spirituality should not be separated from our normal everyday life. Instead, they should work together in harmony to support and nurture each other. What makes The Psychic School so unique is that we teach awareness of the spirit world and provide psychic tools for creating, healing, and transforming on a spiritual level. When we create and heal as spirit, the spirit transforms and builds the physical. The Psychic School is committed to providing you with the psychic tools used to manage spirit and showing you how to apply those tools in your everyday life. You are a unique individual, experiencing a journey unlike any other. No matter where you are in your life, our teachings will enable you to progress without limit or obstruction. The ownership of your psychic abilities will allow you to focus on your individual goals and find answers to the questions exclusive to you.

The Psychic School is passionate about guiding individuals like you in awakening and owning your psychic abilities. Watching students creating miracles in their everyday life, finding the answers they have been searching for most, and experiencing the joy found in connecting with universal divinity; nothing is more rewarding for our teachers. The interactions between teachers and students allows us all to continually expand our awareness and further develop our psychic skills. It is our pleasure to watch you heal and transform your life, to create the life you have always dreamed of; we are forever grateful for the opportunity to work with people just like you.

The Free Open House

Our Free Clairvoyant Meditation Open House will give you a taste of The Psychic School curriculum; providing you with an opportunity to meet our teachers and giving you a personal look into our school as you experience our long-distance classrooms and psychic teachings for yourself. In this two-hour class, you will learn what makes you psychic, what is required to turn on and develop your spiritual abilities, and how clairvoyant meditation facilitates this growth.

Teachers will provide you with three powerful psychic tools by walking you through two guided meditations. The first meditation will teach you how to ground your body, heal and release pain, find yourself as a spirit, and bring your spirit into your body. The second meditation will teach you how to focus your consciousness and awareness within your sixth chakra, the seat of your clairvoyance and the control center of your reality. This free open house will conclude with a question and answer period focused on what has been taught and The Psychic School as a whole.

The Founder

The Psychic School, founded in 2000 by Leon LeGant, is a globally available long-distance training center. After many years working as a professional psychic, with clients all around the world, Leon noticed two trends that inspired him to create a dedicated distance learning school for clairvoyance. Firstly, Leon noticed that many of his clients mistakenly thought he had their answers when they received a psychic reading from him. Secondly, many of Leon’s clients were in a state of psychic awakening, but did not have a school or the resources within their geographic location to nurture and develop those blossoming abilities. With this awareness, a calling was received and The Psychic School was born.

You Already Have Your Own Answers Within – As Leon performed psychic readings for clients, many of them seemed to think he had their answers. That is an illusion, a mistaken conclusion when one receives a powerful psychic reading from anyone truly capable. It may seem like a psychic is providing you with answers; but in actuality, it is the client that is providing all the information that comes up in a good reading. You already have your own answers and those answers are within you, from you the spiritual being. It is your higher-self that knows why you are here, where you are going, what is blocking you, and how to move forward. A psychic simply looks at a person’s spirit; it is the higher-self that provides all the information. Finding your answers and knowing your direction is actually quite simple, you just need to know how to connect to your spirit and this is what The Psychic School’s teachings are all about.

Globally Available Psychic Training – Knowing that everyone has their own answers, Leon found his calling as a clairvoyant teacher; to show individuals how to roll their eyes inward, to see one’s self as a spiritual being, and to find their answers from within. However, Leon’s clients were all over the world, so the question became, “how can we bring psychic training to people wherever they live?”. In 2000, no one was offering telephone classes for clairvoyant development. Books, audiotapes, and CDs claiming to teach psychic abilities could be found, but true clairvoyant development requires student participation, especially in The Clairvoyant Training Program which requires students to read together in live in person practice readings. It is through group trainings that students integrate the information presented in classes and provides them the opportunity to develop certainty as a psychic in training. With research, passion and dedication, Leon developed a long distance curriculum that utilizes telephone conferencing, MP3 downloads, and online technology to provide a complete, cohesive, and interactive clairvoyant development program that anyone can take from the comfort of their home.

Back in 2000, long distance classes of any kind were relatively new. When it came to psychic development courses, none could be found. Books and CDs could be purchased online, but that medium does not offer an avenue for interaction between teachers and students. One of the most important aspects of successful clairvoyant training, is the participation of students who perform live weekly practice readings. Intellectual understanding of psychic tools and concepts is useless without a platform that allows for practical application and personal experience for the integration of such information.

The long distant teaching technology used by The Psychic School took several years of research and testing to develop and perfect. Leon needed to insure that the lessons and trainings would feel real to the student and provide successful integration for real world application. A  grand experiment the first few years of The Psychic School, students first attended classes by cassette tape and participated in live weekly practice readings using telephone conference call technology. It did not take long to see the success of long distant clairvoyant training; students quickly awoke their psychic abilities and their lives blossomed, transformed, and transcended in creativity, freedom, and joy.

In the twenty years since The Psychic School’s founding, our long distance technology has only become stronger. Today, students will attend classes live by telephone; easily accessible to anyone across the globe. For tech savvy students, live attendance can be achieved over the internet using a smartphone or a computer. Students from around the world, no matter what time zone or how busy their schedules, have the option of attending through MP3 recordings of all live courses. For our advanced clairvoyant training programs, where student participation is required, a variety of globally friendly times to choose from, combined with telephone conference technology, provide an easily accessible, simple and fun, interactive experience to anyone anywhere. From the Americas to Europe, Asia, and Australia; The Psychic School is available to everyone.

Born in San Francisco, California, Leon LeGant had a typical child upbringing, completely unaware of any psychic abilities. He did not discover his clairvoyance until he started working at a haunted movie theater in Larkspur Landing. Hearing stories from other employees about the ghosts that roamed the building, he thought them to be misguided. It wasn’t until he stayed late at night, past midnight to close the theater for the first time, that he himself experienced the apparitions for himself.  After that night, encounters with spiritual entities became a daily routine for Leon.

As a result, Leon began his journey of psychic development, taking various classes from more experienced teachers and intuitive schools. After studying for years, Leon began to work in private practice, assisting clients from all walks of life. Working with people long distance over the telephone has always been a calling for Leon; it provides a platform for reaching individuals wherever they are in the world. Over twenty five years later, with thousands of clients, Leon takes extreme pride in offering profound insight and powerful healing to all that he works with.

As mentioned above, Leon noticed over the year, that his clients seemed to think he had their answers. A desire to teach pulled at his heart; to show everyone that they in fact had their own answers within. One day in 1999, while on a spiritual retreat, Leon spent a morning swimming with wild spinner dolphins. Highly intuitive beings, they unlocked a calling and Leon return home with the drive to teach people long distance from home. After one year of dedicated research, learning how to provide clairvoyant training over the telephone, in the year 2000, The Psychic School was born.

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