LGBTQ+ Intuition Open House Classroom - Summer 2024 | The Psychic School

LGBTQ+ Intuition Open House Classroom – Summer 2024


Welcome to The Psychic School and our LGBTQ+ Intuition Free Open House Class. This introductory class provides a unique opportunity to delve into our LGBTQ+ curriculum, allowing students to connect with the teachers of this course, and explore the psychic curriculum specifically tailored to address LGBTQ issues. As part of this immersive experience, students will discover new psychic tools that unlock a deeper understanding of one’s psychic abilities within the context of LGBTQ+ identity.

In this two-hour class, you’ll gain a clairvoyant perspective on biology, gender, and sexuality. Explore the fascinating concept that one’s spirit contains both male and female information. Delve into the liberating exploration of expressing your spiritual-self through the human body, celebrating the freedom to be authentic. The Psychic School Teachers eagerly anticipate working with you as you tap into the empowering realm of your LGBTQ+ mockup.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Announcements for this class are sent by email and SMS text message. If you are not receiving our emails or SMS text messages, please check the following:

SMS: Text START to 1 (702) 827-4626
EMAIL: Uncheck unsubscribe in Settings
SPAM: Check spam folder, mark Not Spam
CONTACT: for help

Live Class Attendance

We always ask students to attend live, to be present and join classes in person through the Zoom app or by telephone. Live participation allows you to ask questions in real time, share your experiences as you learn new tools, and inspire others with the miracles you create during each class. You are welcome to join any of the available time options listed below:

Time Option One: Thu, Jul 18 at 10:00 PM (EDT)

While classes are best enjoyed live, we also recognize that the time for our live classes may not work for all. Students unable to attend live are required to enroll for Recorded Class Attendance by sending a request to before the course begins.

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Class Countdown
Live Class Dates and Times

Classes will commence at the specified time, displayed in both your local timezone and our designated timezone for added clarity. Additionally, a countdown timer is available to help you keep track of the remaining time until the class starts, ensuring you join promptly.

This Class Begins:

This Class Started

Thursday, July 18, 2024
10:00 PM EDT

Thursday, July 18, 2024
7:00 PM
(America/Los Angeles)

Online Attendance
Smartphone and Computer Access

To connect to classes through Zoom, click the provided links; the Zoom app will launch automatically if installed, or you can opt to join via your web browser. Follow on-screen instructions and enter the meeting ID and passcode if necessary for a seamless connection.

Meeting ID: 860 2916 8210
Passcode: 240700

You are not required to download Zoom on a desktop device before joining, but you will have access to limited functionality if you join from your browser. If you want to join a meeting from an Android or iOS device, you must download the Zoom mobile app. Please visit the Zoom Download Center to find the software best suited to your needs.

Phone Attendance
Standard Telephone Access

To call into classes using a telephone, simply dial one of the phone numbers provided below. When prompted, enter the meeting ID followed by the pound (#) key, then enter the meeting passcode. This will grant you access to the class’s audio using your standard telephone line.

Meeting ID: 860 2916 8210
Passcode: 240700

How can I double check the dates and times listed are accurate to my location?

The dates and times listed in your online classroom are based on your detected location, as well as our timezone for added clarity. If your detected location is inaccurate, please use Time and Date Converter to calculate the correct dates and times for you.

VisitTime and Date Converter

Enter – Los Angeles

Enter Los Angeles Date

Enter Los Angeles Time

Enter – Your City or Timezone

How should I prepare before the class starts?

Before connecting to a live class, ensure you have a stable internet or telephone connection and have already installed the Zoom App if you are planning on attending using that option. Find a quiet room, create a sanctuary for yourself where you can be alone and uninterrupted for the duration of the class. Locate a comfortable chair so your body can be relaxed and at peace during the lectures and guided meditations. Eliminate distractions by notifying others at home that you wish to be alone for a few hours.

How can I connect to Zoom using the Zoom app?

You can easily connect to Zoom via the Zoom app by following these steps:

Visit the Zoom Download Center to install the software best suited to your needs.

Click on the Join in Zoom App button provided above.

If you have the Zoom app installed, it will automatically launch.

You will then be automatically connected to the class.

How can I connect to Zoom using a web browser?

If you prefer to use a web browser for Zoom, here’s how:

Click on the Join in Browser button provided above.

Your browser will open a new tab.

Enter the name you used to register for the course, then click Join Event via Browser.

You’ll then be connected to the class through your web browser.

How do I connect to Zoom using a telephone?

If you prefer to join the Zoom meeting via telephone, follow these steps:

Dial a local phone number provided above.

Enter the meeting ID when prompted, followed by the pound (#) key.

Enter the meeting passcode when prompted.

You’ll then be connected to the class via telephone audio.

How do I mute myself using the Zoom app, browser, or telephone?

To mute or unmute yourself:

In the Zoom app or browser, click on the microphone icon.

On the telephone, press *6 to mute/unmute your audio.

Will teachers be providing video, and is it mandatory for students to use it?

Teachers will share their video stream during the class, but it’s entirely optional for students. You can choose to enable or disable your camera based on your comfort level.

How do I turn on my own video if I choose to use it?

If you decide to use your video:

In the Zoom app or browser, click on the camera icon to start or stop your video feed.

How can I end the Zoom meeting using the app, browser, or telephone?

To leave the meeting:

In the Zoom app or browser, click End Meeting or simply close the app or browser window.

On the telephone, you can exit the call by hanging up.

Recorded Class Attendance

Class Recordings and Handouts associated with this course are available here in one convenient location. Video recordings are available to stream through your online classroom. MP3 recordings and PDF handouts are yours to keep for independent study and personal use. You will find class recordings and handouts posted here within twenty-four (24) hours after live classes conclude.

Be sure to view the video streams and download your MP3 and PDF materials in a timely manner as online classrooms expire one (1) year after the course concludes.

Class Downloads

MP3 Class Recording

MP3 Coming Soon

Please download MP3s before listening.
Streaming through Dropbox may cause distortions.

If I cannot make the live class in person, can I take the class using the recordings?

Students Can Attend Classes Through Recordings. While we love the dynamic energy of our live classes, we recognize that life gets busy and many of our students are in different timezones around the world. This is not a problem at The Psychic School. You will never miss a class due to illness, scheduling conflicts, or geographic location.

Students unable to attend live classes in person are asked to enroll for Recorded Class Attendance by sending a request to before a course begins. Recorded Class Attendance allows teachers to monitor your progress as you listen to classes and give special guidance to those outside the live Zoom meetings.

Are the class recordings available for everyone?

All live classes are recorded on both video and MP3 audio. You will find streaming video and MP3 download links posted within 24 hours after each live class. These recordings are yours for independent study and personal use, regardless of whether you attended live or are registered for Recorded Class Attendance.

How should I prepare before starting a recorded class?

Preparations made before streaming a video class or listening to an MP3 recording are equal to that of a live class, create a sanctuary for yourself first. Find a quiet room where you can be alone and uninterrupted for the duration of the class. Locate a comfortable chair so your body can be relaxed and at peace during the lectures and guided meditations. Eliminate distractions by notifying others at home that you wish to be alone for a few hours.

I missed the live class and It is my first time listening to the recording, how should I proceed?

When playing a class for the first time, we recommend you listen to the entire class from start to finish, without stopping or taking breaks. You’ll get a lot more out of class when you fully participate from beginning to end in one sitting. When completed, be sure to fill out the Completed Class Form so our teachers can follow-up with you.

I already completed a class, can I repeat the class again?

Students who wish to review a class they have already completed are more than welcome to do so. You can listen to the entire class from start to finish or you can skip ahead to a specific lecture or meditation. Submission of the Completed Class Form is not necessary if you attended live or if you already submitted the form for said class.

What information is provided in the PDF handouts?

In our courses you will learn powerful psychic tools. PDF handouts contain written descriptions of those tools with step by step instructions on how they are used. Applicable PDF handouts will be linked here in your online classroom, either before the course begins and/or as classes conclude. Feel free to download these handouts and review them as needed.

What materials can I download and save to my computer or smartphone?

MP3 audio recordings from live classes and PDF handouts are available for download to your computer or smartphone. Video recordings are only available to stream from your online classroom.

How can I download MP3 and PDF materials to my personal device?

Dropbox is an online cloud storage service that we use for sharing MP3 and PDF downloads. Having a free Dropbox account is optional, but recommended as it adds convenience by allowing you to access your MP3 on any device and save your downloads instantly at the click of a button. Once saved to dropbox, your files are available on multiple devices, anywhere and anytime.

You can always download your MP3s and PDFs to a computer, even without a Dropbox account. Downloading your materials will grant you access to your files whether you are online or offline. This is especially useful when adding MP3s to media players like iTunes which will organize them into easy access albums based on each Psychic School course.

Will my access to my online classroom and the downloadable materials ever expire?

Yes, although we wish we could provide lifetime access to recordings, limitations with storage and bandwidth makes this impossible. Please be sure to view class video streams and download all MP3 recordings and PDF handouts sooner rather than later as your online classroom and all downloads will be removed from the website and deleted off the server one year after a course concludes or two years after a program semester concludes.

Completed Class Form

The Completed Class Form is a vital tool that empowers you to communicate with your teachers effectively. When you participate in live classes, your attendance is automatically recorded. However, if you opt for the Recorded Class Attendance option, we kindly request you use this form to let your teachers know that you have successfully completed a class. By filling out the form, you enable our educators to stay engaged with your progress and offer personalized follow-up support. Your input via this form ensures that your educational journey remains enriching and tailored to your needs. We appreciate your active involvement in your learning experience. Please take a moment to fill out the Completed Class Form after finishing a Recorded Class Attendance.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.

When am I required to submit the Completed Class Form?

Please let us know every time you complete a Recorded Class Attendance for the first time:

Required if absent from a live class.

Submit after first time completion.

Include your full name and email.

Tell us what you learned in the class.

Share questions or comments, if any.

Click submit when complete.

A confirmation stating “Thank you for your message. It has been sent.” will appear.

How does the Competed Class Form contribute to my participation during a course?

The Competed Class Form allows students to become active participants during a course, even when absent from a live class. The form provides a platform for absent students to ask questions and share experiences that come up when completing a Recorded Class Attendance. By completing the above form, your teachers will know where you stand in your course and be able to offer personalized support when needed.

How does The Psychic School track student attendance and participation?

The Psychic School keeps a record of student attendance and participation which allows teachers to reach out to students who are having difficulty keeping up with the course and provide them with support and encouragement. During live classes, teachers record the student attendance of those who are present. When you miss a live class, we ask that you submit a Completed Class Form so we can mark you down as having attended. Attendance records are particularly important for students enrolled in The Clairvoyant Training Program and The Clairvoyant Teachers Program.

What are the attendance requirements for The Clairvoyant Training Program and The Clairvoyant Teachers Program?

Throughout The Clairvoyant Training Program and The Clairvoyant Teachers Program, teachers will record your participation in live classes, live readings, and live healing clinics at the time of each event. These records are confirmed by the administration when crosschecked with conference logs. Students who miss live classes are required to submit Completed Class Forms which are also used to track your participation.

Although our record keeping is quite effective, it is not perfect. If you notice errors in your participation, please email to notify us. We will double-check and update our records accordingly.

Students in said programs are required to complete the following in order to progress and graduate:

Monthly Requirements:

Complete all clairvoyant classes.

Complete all energy check assignments.

Attend at least four practice readings.

Attend at least one healing clinic.

Receive one teacher energy check.

Graduation Requirements:

Complete Clairvoyant Healing 101 Class.

Complete Clairvoyant Healing 102 Class.

Please Leave a Review

We want to provide you and future students with the very best experience possible. Please post a review of this program on our website. In addition to providing feedback, online reviews can help other people learn about The Psychic School and all that we have to offer.

Please take a minute to leave a comment on our website – we would really appreciate it!

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Thank you in advance for your review and your participation in our LGBTQ+ Intuition Free Open House.

Intuition Starts Here