Cleromancy is a divination art of throwing small objects and reading their placements as they fall. They can be made of stones, pebbles, bones sticks and other materials. The tradition spans across history and many cultures use this method to read the future or aspects of an individual’s life. Runes are stones inscribed with Nordic or Anglo Saxon Alphabets. Runes may be made of stone or wood and it is fun to source them and make your own set. There are runic spreads, similar to the concept in Tarot, but creativity is encouraged to allow you to open up to your intuitive awareness.
Divination is the art of foretelling events. Tools are used to interpret signs and gain insight. It also relies on the psychic awareness of the reader. Other words for divination are fortune telling, soothsaying, and prophesying. There are many methods of divination spanning across cultures throughout history up to the present time. There are dozens if not hundreds of ways spanning from the more commonly known tools of Tarot and Astrology to the lesser-known, even strange, cloud reading and interpreting stomach gurgles. Divination may amplify abilities that are present in the reader. It is interesting to explore methods but ultimately, it is the psychic awareness of the individual that is the most potent and powerful tool.