Clairolfaction; The Psychic Sense of Smell
“Memories, imagination, old sentiments, and associations are more readily reached through the sense of smell than through any other channel.” ~ Oliver Wendell
Clairolfaction is the sense of psychic smell. It also goes by the names clairscent, clairalience, clairosmesis, and clairessence.Many psychics use abilities such as clairvoyance, the ability to see, and clairaudience, the ability to hear to perceive information. However, there are some people who are able to tap into their sense of smell, or clairolfaction, (sometimes amusingly called ‘clairsmellience) to tune into energy, spirit, and information.
The scent is powerful even for those who do not tune into intuitive abilities. How often have you had a scent transport you to another place and time? Or a smell reminded you of someone who has left your life or passed on. Clairolfaction is when someone can smell scents beyond the physical world, in other words, to be able to smell in the spiritual reality. It is a type of extrasensory perception or ESP.
The Clairs
Clairolfaction, is one of many ‘clairs’, which also include the following forms of extrasensory perception or ESP. Some people say that there are 8 in total. There are however 4 major ones that relate to psychic abilities more directly. The major clairs are clairvoyance and claircognizance which relate to the 6th and 7th chakras respectively, Some others are as follows:
- Clairvoyance
- Clear sight – The ability to see
- Claircognizance
- Clear Knowing – The ability to know
- Clairsentience
- Clear Feeling – The ability to feel
- Clairaudience
- Clear hearing – The ability to hear
- Clairolifaction
- Clear smell – The ability to smell
- Clairgustance
- Clear Taste – The ability to taste
- Clairtangency
- Clear Touch – The ability to sense through touch
- Clairempathy
- Clear empathy – The ability to sense another person’s feelings
All living beings exist in the physical and non-physical, or spiritual realm. Living things have an energy field that resonates at a particular vibration and frequency. It is possible to take in information from these vibrations and read it through the senses. This reading will allow one to perceive spiritual ‘scent’. In other words, some psychics can smell energy.
How Clairolfaction Works
Many psychics that tap into clear sight use this ability to add a new perspective in their readings. Usually, the scents will have a relationship and meaning to the readee. Perhaps they will notice a scent that relates to a person, activity, or place that will have meaning when described to the readee. Like any ‘Clair’, the information allows a psychic to better understand a relationship, background information, and energies. clairolfaction is especially useful in the fields of holistic health and energy work.
A psychic can perceive any scent from something foul to pleasant, to odors emanating from space. Some also use their sense of clairolfaction with clairgustance, or clear taste, as these senses can be very closely aligned.
An odor or smell can also give clues to someone’s health, mood, or personality. Recent advancements in science have created a test called odor print analysis, used to detect illness and is like a sort of fingerprint or scent signature identifying a person.
It is also possible to use odor to detect spirit when ghost hunting or tuning into energies. Alternatively, you may want to bring a certain scent into your awareness that evokes a sense of calm or protection. You may want to track the scents that you detect and the images, words, and feelings that come up to review at a later time.
A Psychic Perspective
As with any ESP that is heightened, it is helpful to get into a neutral clairvoyant space before reading using abilities such as Clairvoyance. Ensuring that you have meditated, used psychic tools to run your energy, and are out of your lower chakras also helps to prevent the sensation of other people’s energies running through you. As with any psychic practice, coming from a state of amusement creates levity and ease in reading.
Tapping into clairolfaction involves tuning in in ways that a psychic may access images and sounds. All it requires is to get into a space of awareness and focus attention on the sense of smell. You may also want to play and see what you can pick up and hold in terms of a scent and see what information comes to you.
For some, claiolfaction may come naturally, and be more intuitive than for others. You may notice that you sense smells while reading that others do not pick up on. If this comes into your awareness, try to meditate and look at why this may be happening. Just like the uniqueness of a fingerprint, each clairvoyant and psychic has a unique subset of abilities that allow them to tune into information. This beauty is that this variety is what can make for entertaining and informative reading, whether you are the reader or the readee!
If you want to explore psychic tools, meditation, and psychic development, sign up for our Clairvoyant Meditation Free Open House to learn about course offerings or book a psychic reading or spiritual healing through The Psychic School.