The third chakra is the seat of one’s personal power; the ability to express one’s divine spirit through the human body. Here the creativity of the artistic spirit manifests goals into the earthly world. It is also the key to dreaming, allowing the spirit to release from the body and enter the astral plane for healing, information, and exploration. At the end of a night’s sleep, when one’s spirit returns to the body, it is through this chakra that the memories and information gained on the astral plane integrates into the physical body, allowing one to use the answers gain through dreaming, here in one’s earthly life.
This one-hour guided healing will start with an opening meditation, wherein you will use your clairvoyant tools to clean out and rebalance the third chakra. Then you will call in your healing angels, asking your Healing Master to heal the blockages affecting both the third chakra and your astral dreams. At the same time, your Psychic Surgeon will repair tears in the chakra, clean out the filter sensors, and replace missing information. Continuing the healing to the cellular level, your guides will clean out the connected internal organs. primarily your digestive system, as well as the adrenal glands. This MP3 will conclude with step-by-step guidance in the process of giving this intensive third chakra healing to other people of your choosing.
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