The fourth chakra is the bridge between spirit and body. It allows you to attract to you here in the physical world, what is validating and nutrining to your spiritual being. The ability is called affinity, the ability to know who and what is good and healthy for you and what is toxic and undesirable. Pain and past experiences can create imabance in this ability, causing some to be attracted to people who are toxic, others to live in places that make them sick, and can even cause people to engage in habits that are self-destructive.
This one-hour guided healing will start with an opening meditation, wherein you will use your clairvoyant tools to clear the pain causing imbalance and release the past experiences that are blocking this chakra from functioning properly. Then you will call in your Healing Master and Psychic Surgeon to repair the whacks, replace missing information, and clean out the sensor filters. You will then go deeper and clear the chakra’s connection to the lungs, heart, and thymus gland, all the way down to the cellular level. This MP3 will conclude with step-by-step guidance in giving this powerful healing to other people of your choosing.
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