Animals are nature spirits in bodies. Just like human beings, they have chakras, energy channels and auras. Since animals are also sentient, they too are capable of feeling and being the effect of both positive and negative energies. Working with animals on a healing level is a wonderful way of connecting and communicating with these magical creatures. As a psychic, you can take initiative and become a powerful healing force within the animal kingdom.
This one-hour guided healing begins with a meditation designed to bring you into a clairvoyant state. From there you will explore three different techniques for healing animals. Using your clairvoyance, you will heal animals by grounding, connecting to the Supreme Being, helping them blow pictures, and even removing a core picture. With the aid of our Healing Angels, we will give our animal friends a spiritual healing on the chakras, energy channels and aura, while also working on their physical body down to the cellular level. Finally, you will learn how to use your psychic tools to take care of their medical needs and navigate emergency situations that sometimes occur when owning a pet.
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