To those who have created their own family, this MP3 class is for you. Your family might consist of two people in a committed relationship, or individuals living together in one house. Maybe you have children you are raising or perhaps you have furry friends who count on your support. Whatever type of family you have created, managing a household is quite involved. As a clairvoyant, you have the strongest crown chakra in your family and with your psychic tools you can create wellness and prosperity for all those you care most about.
This one-hour guided meditation will teach you how to hold space for your family and ensure they have everything they need to be happy and healthy. In an opening meditation, we will create a clairvoyant space where we can work the energy of our family. You will learn how to create a successful work environment for the adults and a validating school experience for the children. If your partner needs a new job, you can create one. If you child wishes to go to summer camp, you can make sure they have fun. You do not need to leave your family’s life to chance, you can use your tools to guide them through the good times and bad, making sure they have spiritual support every step of the way.
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