When engaged through our clairvoyant awareness, the heart offers us a doorway through which we can experience the fullness of our soul in our body, and our fundamental nature as being one with all of creation. In this most profound dimension of our being, the heart’s intelligence can also show us the ways in which we may be out of alignment with our truths, and the wisdom and compassion that can lead us to greater congruence. When we set our coordinates to our heart’s compass, we also simultaneously bring ourselves to an innate harmony with the movements of life; we “make our heartbeat match the beat of the universe, and match our nature with Nature”, as Joseph Campbell wrote. In this state of clear-being, there is an openness through which the creative intelligence of the universe can express itself through us and through the tapestries of our lives. We are supported as we walk in our soul’s purpose, and we have a strong foundation in which we can ignite the full potential and wonder of the creative power that is available to us at all times.
The Heart’s Compass is the third installment in our Creative Transformation Series. Through ten different journeys of psychic exploration, healing and growth, we will lead ourselves to a deeper and more enlivened embodiment of our creative power and purpose. In this two-hour class, you will settle into your clairvoyant awareness, then into your heart chakra, and learn a simple tool you can use to clear it. Through a guided visualization, you will then be led into the spiritual realm of the heart, and explore this “home” of your soul in your body. You will access a deeper experience of yourself, and an expanded perspective of the different dimensions of your being. You will then tune into your heart’s intelligence, and invite its deep knowing to orient you towards your essential truths. You will also explore the difference between your heart’s logic and your mind’s logic, and how the two can work in greater harmony. From the viewpoint of your sixth chakra and your crown, you will then integrate this awareness into your body, and learn a tool you can use to check in with the heart’s compass in your day-to-day life.
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