The story of Santa Claus goes back hundreds of years, traced back to a monk named St. Nicholas. He was a man known for compassion and kindness, giving away his wealth to help the poor and sick. In The Psychic School, Santa Claus is known as a powerful angelic being. Filled with love and laughter, he teaches us about the miracle of giving and the joy of receiving. He is a powerful spirit guide who supports our goals and truly brings us the gifts presented by him from our wish list, dreams, and goals.
This two-hour psychic abilities workshop will bring you into a clairvoyant meditation, a psychic state that allows you to connect with a spirit guide, in this case, St. Nick. From here we’ll communicate with the spirit of Santa, receiving a healing, a blessing, and even some amusement. Once connected with this amazing being, we’ll present to him our wish list and let Santa Claus know our dreams and goals. Once this class concludes and you step into 2025, be on the lookout for the signs from St. Nicholas as the goals you relaid to him manifest and your prosperity abounds.
Anthony C. (verified owner)
Such an amazing workshop!
Bringing Santa Claus down to the spirit guide stage was a special treat. A jolly man with a bald head, white beard, glasses resting mid way down his nose, red pants, and suspenders came to my stage. Santa was filled with jolly chuckles for everything I asked him for. Thank you, Santa, for all of your wonderful gifts!
The bit on asking Santa for simple things like new pajamas got me 😅 I spent the afternoon going back and forth with a personal shopper that was out looking for a set of Christmas pajamas for me so I could have them in time to wear to this workshop zoom call. Every store was sold out. How funny! Lol I should have just asked Santa.
This workshop was especially memorable and amazing beyond words for me at a personal level. I learned about creator gods – spirits that are the size of planets and ones that create planets. I cannot even begin to articulate how deep I feel this. Two years ago, I wrote a book about about a fictional character that desired to project his consciousness into a planet, so that he may become a planet. I’ve only shared this and my own personal desires to become a planet with my closest friend.
I have the most amazing dreams of creating planets, in the most vivid imagery and abundance of information. I have dreams of sitting in classrooms and the professor turns to me and says, “What makes you think you’re not already a planet?”
These are some of the most meaningful dreams I’ve ever had. I feel them in my core.
So, hearing THIS IS A THING, is so incredibly and absolutely amazing to me. Creator gods, the size of planets, help create other planets!
As I wrote the word “planets”, while watching the Pixar animation Inside Out, Bing Bong says to Joy, “We might as well be on another planet.” And Joy replies, “Another Planet?” I had to stop the movie and ask, “Did they really just say that?” Yes they did. Synchronicities – I love them. Thank you SB.
Leon, Seriously, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for this workshop.