WI-COURSE Archives | The Psychic School

Women’s Intuition Courses (Live)


  • Women’s Intuition Courses (Live)

    COURSE DISCOVERY - There are three classes offered in our Women's Intuition Courses. You can get a free taste in our Women's Intuition Free Open House, a one-day introduction to this specialized series. The first official course starts with our Women's Intuition 101 Class, a six-week course where you will develop tools for grounding your female body, running female energy, and working with a female healing angel. Training concludes in our Women's Intuition 102 Class, a second six-week course where you will find neutrality to male and female stereotypes, create clear communication with all genders, and learn to manifest healthy relationships. Available to graduates of our Clairvoyant Meditation 102 Class who identify as female.