Signs and Symbols in a Psychic Reading
The origins of Signs and Symbols
Symbols have passed on through human groups since the beginning of recorded history. From ancient cave paintings using red earth to modern-day corporate logos, symbols wield great power and are a source of mystery. Those who know how to tap into signs and symbols have an upper hand at being able to influence, but not always with the best intentions.
Mythology explores symbols in the form of archetypal characters that are common themes that weave throughout the human experience. One of the most widely known individuals to dive deeply into symbols was Carl Jung. He explored and defined human archetypes and their meanings.
Gods and Goddesses of ancient times were often used in a symbolic manner to describe human tendencies and the overarching themes of humanity. Another major source of symbolism is the Major Arcana of the Tarot, which may be explored from an archetypal perspective. Infamous playwrights have also explored archetypal themes in their work.
It is believed that archetypes, signs, and symbols existed even before recorded human history. They are embedded and encoded in our DNA as part of collective conscious experience. Examples are the images of stars, animals, inscribed shapes, objects, and metaphors that used as a form of a prediction.
Symbols have also been used to manipulate or sway masses of people throughout history, where certain leaders, political movements, even corporations tap into ancient symbology and distort their intended meaning as a form of Sigil Magic.
Some signs are mundane, like a stop sign, others may take on a more prophetic tone which hints at a deeper meaning. Signs are often found as a call to ‘course correct’ or make certain decisions. Throughout history, signs have often been used to justify certain actions, leadership decisions, and the movements of people.
For the individual, a sign can present one with an urgent matter that needs attention, or a validation that their choices are on their path. During a reading, the signs are generally very personal to the readee and only have the meaning that they assign to it.
Symbols may be shape, form, and number that take on a language of their own. Numbers, letters, and colors are more universal in meaning and are understood regardless of what language is spoken. They are a simple yet effective way to convey meaning to another person.
From the beginning of time, humans have assigned symbols that have meaning to explain the world. They have a particular energy and give us a ‘feeling’ about something. Symbols tell us more about a thing or event, its purpose, and even how to deal with it.
As with any symbol, it is only as powerful as the meaning that is assigned to it and the context in which it appears. Symbols may appear through a dream, meditation, or vision and may repeat in the environment. For example, often people look at repeating numbers like ‘1111’ in this way.
Symbols will speak to us, but also may come from us, from other intelligence we possess or even lifetimes. There is a recognition within our soul, heart, or emotional body. They are a way that our subconscious and our higher self may choose to communicate with us. Intuition plays a role in noticing and being able to interpret these signs in a meaningful way.
Reading Signs and Symbols
Signs and symbols are metaphors that come from many origins. They may also speak about something in this lifetime. An individual may take these signs and symbols given during a clairvoyant reading and interpret them in a personal way.
During a psychic reading, a sign can be like a guidepost or warning that only the readee may understand. It may also speak to a personal situation or condition. Some signs and symbols are more universal and others are used in psychic practices, such as using psychic tools.
Signs and Symbols in a Clairvoyant/Psychic Reading
Psychics use symbols in the form of psychic tools to run energy and prepare to read and heal. These symbols are specific to psychic practices. Signs and symbols may also be used during a psychic reading to help the psychic tune into information. When beginning to read for the first time, a word, color, sign, or symbol may provide a doorway that allows one to tap into their clairvoyance and knowingness.
Although some psychics like to decipher symbols for a readee, It is not necessary to interpret these signs and symbols, rather leave it for the individual to derive meaning. These signs and symbols may be a point of empowerment for the person who is seeking the reading, and to interpret their information may be invalidating.
How to Read and Interpret Signs and Symbols
- When looking at signs and symbols as a clairvoyant and psychic, it is important to be clear and free of bias. This may be achieved by using psychic tools and meditation. Also “clearing space” and getting into a space of neutrality before a reading.
- When in doubt, use discernment by using psychic tools to clear energy, see if something is a truth or a lie, among other things. Discernment is achieved by blowing roses and speaking to the rose that represents the readee in spirit, among other possibilities.
- When discussing a sign or symbol, resist interpreting what the meaning is as this may invalidate and disempower the readee and indicate that you are reading through your pictures, not blowing your pictures.
- As always, coming from a place of amusement help creates ease and levity when communicating information that you see.
If You Are New To Clairvoyant Reading
- A sign or symbol is like shorthand and can be a quick, easy, and effective way to access your information while reading and convey it to a readee.
- It may feel challenging or invalidating to attempt to read in a narrative or lyrical fashion when starting out with clairvoyant reading.
- To be able to touch upon a sign or symbol in the form of a shape, word, or color is a way to get over the initial frozen state a reader sometimes feels when beginning.
- If you feel stuck or lit up, blow your roses! This creates greater ease and clarity during the course of a reading.
A Psychic Perspective
Signs and symbols are an entry point into reading with fluidity. When you are learning how to express yourself and communicate what you are seeing with your readee, they might provide insight. This is helpful for when we are looking to start out and don’t know how to use a narrative style while just being able to see anything at all.
This can also be a color, number, symbol that may have significance for the readee. This can be more powerful than a rambling narrative of another psychic reading. Some people believe that it is your job as a psychic to know what it is and decipher signs and symbols for the readee. This can be invalidating and miss the mark and actually be you reading through your pictures, trying to teach, or program the readee into a certain point of view.
Many psychics do this and there are many people that seek out readings to have someone give them their answers. But this is not the point. The real gift is to give the information back to the readee and allow them to sit with it and give them an opportunity to interpret it and derive their own meaning. This is an empowering way to read.
We look at symbols, such as psychic tools, which are a unique set of symbols that are specific to psychic practice. These tools are the way by which a psychic clears energy and finds space to read from a place of neutrality. They are not meant to be mysterious and intangible or secret, but practical and useful tool to get centered, grounded, and neutral as you walk through your life.
Symbols during a reading are meant for the individual. It is like a shorthand. They can provide a clear message. A sign may be a way to course-correct an individual. To give personal guidance to change direction or know that they are on the right path. In a rare occurrence, a sign may be a way to avoid catastrophe and immediate danger. On a daily practical level, a sign can be seen as an affirmation and a nod from a higher power, or supreme being, and validate choices and actions in life.
Ultimately in any reading, the goal is speaking to a readee in a way that they can hear, feel seen, and validated. Communicating signs and symbols that they find meaning from, empowers the individual to take action, and be a full participant in their own life. This can be through making changes, a way of living, life purpose, creating something new.
If you want to explore psychic tools, meditation, and psychic development, sign up for our Clairvoyant Meditation Free Open House to learn about course offerings or book a psychic reading or spiritual healing through The Psychic School.