Downloadable Courses (MP3) Archives | Page 10 of 12 | The Psychic School

Downloadable Courses (MP3)

Downloadable Courses (MP3)

  • Relationship Series Workshop: Dates and Dating (MP3)

    AVAILABLE NOW ON MP3 - The fifth installment in our ten part Relationship Series. This two-hour relationship series workshop will create amusement and opportunity in your dating universe and create romance and adventure. Release fear and find the fun as you meet new people and evaluate their worthiness to be in your life. Available for download on MP3 for graduates of our Clairvoyant Meditation 102 Class and higher.
  • Relationship Series Workshop: The Next Level (MP3)

    AVAILABLE NOW ON MP3 - The sixth installment in our ten part Relationship Series. This two-hour relationship series workshop will evaluate your current relationships and provide you with tools to guide them to whole new levels of connection and commitment. Clear karma, update agreements, and set the energy for the next level. Available for download on MP3 to graduates of our Clairvoyant Meditation 102 Class and higher.
  • Relationship Series Workshop: Conflict Management (MP3)

    AVAILABLE NOW ON MP3 - The seventh installment in our ten part Relationship Series. This two-hour relationship series workshop will identify the source of a conflict and create neutrality to the situation. For resolution, you will clear negativity, find understanding, and discover solutions. This workshop will turn any conflict into a miracle. Available for download on MP3 to graduates of our Clairvoyant Meditation 102 Class and higher.
  • Relationship Series Workshop: Sex and Intimacy (MP3)

    AVAILABLE NOW ON MP3 - The eighth installment in our ten part Relationship Series. This two-hour relationship series workshop is a healing to the sexual being within, exploring the pictures that arise around sex, releasing those that prevent us from having enjoyable relationships. Embrace your sexuality as a special, and sacred, part of your life. Available for download on MP3 to graduates of our Clairvoyant Meditation 102 Class and higher.
  • Relationship Series Workshop: Maintaining Freedom (MP3)

    AVAILABLE NOW ON MP3 - The ninth installment in our ten part Relationship Series. This two-hour relationship series workshop will look at how people lose themselves in relationships and release the patterns that causes us to compromise our identity. Maintain freedom by expanding awareness of space and stay in alignment with yourself. Available for download on MP3 to graduates of our Clairvoyant Meditation 102 Class and higher.
  • Relationship Series Workshop: Marriage and Commitment (MP3)

    AVAILABLE NOW ON MP3 - The tenth. and final installment in our ten part Relationship Series. This two-hour relationship series workshop will create and review commitments with your partner. You will listen to their spirit, understand their life path, their needs, and how this relates to you. With this understanding you can create new agreements and mock up activities that will grow your relationship. Available for download on MP3 to graduates of our Clairvoyant Meditation 102 Class and higher.
  • Body Wellness Series Workshop: Loving Your Body (MP3)

    AVAILABLE NOW ON MP3 - The first installment in our ten part Body Wellness Series. This two-hour body wellness series workshop will heal the judgements and resentments about your body. You will direct love into various parts of your body, especially the areas you dislike the most. Love is a powerful healing energy, a frequency of acceptance, and can heal the body; creating health, wellness, and transformation. Available for download on MP3 to graduates of our Clairvoyant Meditation 102 Class and higher.
  • Body Wellness Series Workshop: Health and Wellness (MP3)

    AVAILABLE NOW ON MP3 - The second installment in our ten part Body Wellness Series. This two-hour relationship series workshop will teach you how to work with a rose symbolizing your health and wellness, cleaning out any negative influences, releasing programming from family, and letting go of old patterns. This workshop will provide you with the tools to create and manage your health and wellness in the body and beyond. Available for download on MP3 to graduates of our Clairvoyant Meditation 102 Class and higher.
  • Body Wellness Series Workshop: Managing Health and Illness (MP3)

    AVAILABLE NOW ON MP3 - The third installment in our ten part Body Wellness Series. This two-hour body wellness series workshop will teach you how to use your psychic tools for managing illnesses and raise the vibration of health in the body. Techniques will cover grounding an illness, releasing imbalance, reading why you have the condition, using angel guides in healing, and working with doctors. Available for download on MP3 to graduates of our Clairvoyant Meditation 102 Class and higher.
  • Body Wellness Series Workshop: Food and Nutrition (MP3)

    AVAILABLE NOW ON MP3 - The forth installment in our ten part Body Wellness Series. This two-hour body wellness series workshop will bring your spirit into communication with your body. You will develop psychic tools that allow you to hear what foods your body needs most and how to run your healing energy through your food to bring it into affinity with your body’s own vibration. Available for download on MP3 to graduates of our Clairvoyant Meditation 102 Class and higher.
  • Body Wellness Series Workshop: Movement and Exercise (MP3)

    AVAILABLE NOW ON MP3 - The fifth installment in our ten part Body Wellness Series. This two-hour body wellness series workshop will heal your exercise space and let go of old patterns and bring in new information. Discover how to integrate your psychic tools into your daily exercise routine and make fitness easy and simple. Exercise does not need to be a chore and this workshop will help you create a fun and validating routine. Available for download on MP3 to graduates of our Clairvoyant Meditation 102 Class and higher.
  • Body Wellness Series Workshop: Rest and Relaxation (MP3)

    AVAILABLE NOW ON MP3 - The sixth installment in our ten part Body Wellness Series. This two-hour body wellness series workshop will explore the dichotomy of being active versus inactive, clearing the programming and patterns that get us stuck in “go, go, go” and not allowing us to do nothing and relax. Sleep is another aspect of rest which will be healed during class, allowing the body to fully recover and recharge. Available for download on MP3 to graduates of our Clairvoyant Meditation 102 Class and higher.