Psychic Development
Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) are the senses that go beyond taste, touch, smell, sight, and hearing. Sometimes referred to as a 6th Sense, it includes Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Claircognizance, Clairaudience, Telepathy, Telekinesis, and Teleportation (and possibly others). Remote Viewing (RV) is defined as the ability to obtain information about distant and non-local places, people, objects, or events without using physical senses. It is also referred to as ‘anamolous cognito’. Remote Viewing is also considered a form of non-local awareness and may be proved through the theory of Quantum Entanglement.
Dowsing is a method used to detect hidden sources of water, minerals, petroleum, or energies. Spiritual dowsing is a divination tool used to detect universal energies as well as energy fields surrounding all life. It may also be used to gain insight into questions. Dowsing is conducted using either a dowsing pendulum, made of metal, stone or minerals or L-shaped or Y-shaped dowsing rods, made from wood or metal. Dowsing is fun to explore energies or detect hidden materials.
Pet Psychics are able to read animals to gather information and messages on their thoughts, feelings, and needs. Using abilities such as Telepathy, Clairvoyance, mediumship, and energetic healing, a pet psychic may be able to tune into an animal and interpret messages. Also called ‘animal communicators’ and ‘animal facilitators’, pet psychics are used by pet owners, zookeepers, dog and horse trainers, and wildlife reserves. By using psychic tools and meditation, it is possible for you to develop a meaningful connection with pets, strengthen relationships, and form a deeper understanding and reverence for the animal kingdom.
A Medium is someone who relays messages from spirit. The origins of mediumship span far in history, however, most of the modern understanding of this work is derived from the Spiritualism of the 19th century. There are many forms of mediumship that range from spirit messages to healing. It is interesting to explore the broad meaning of this term, especially in a time where Mediums are receiving wide exposure on television and other media platforms.
Psychometry or Psychoscopy is the divination tool of reading objects that are held in the hand. It is a way of ‘seeing’ through touch. Psychometry is a form of ‘scrying’. Our bodies carry electromagnetic charges that may be left in objects that a person is close to. The object may be charged with the thoughts, feelings, and memories of experiences of the person to whom it belonged. Using tools for meditation allows the individual to tap into their own impressions and knowing and develop a greater sense of psychic awareness.
Psychic detectives use ESP and paranormal abilities to solve crimes in conjunction with law enforcement. Although there have been criticisms as to the validity and success rate of their work, organizations such as the FBI and CIA openly admit to using psychics on cases. Psychic Detectives will use post cognition, clairvoyance, dowsing, remote viewing, and even communicate with the deceased to gather information and clues. There are many ‘true crime’ examples where psychics are part of the team of investigators trying to crack cold cases, with varying success.
Consultants are often a necessary component in the functioning of a successful business. However, did you know that many companies are using psychics in business? According to Forbes, there are many examples where psychics are being employed to offer insights and advice to manage relationships, marketing, business, and overall company culture. It’s a not-so-well-kept-secret that few are willing to confess, but history points to numerous cases where psychics were as integral to decision making as any partner, manager, or stakeholder. During uncertain times of this global pandemic, many organizations are looking for ‘out of the box’ alternatives to give an edge over competitors. Psychics are taking a seat in the boardroom as a form of ‘alternative consultancy’ and the results may astound you.
When considering booking a psychic reading it is not a ‘one size fits all’ scenario. Choosing a psychic, medium or psychic medium reading depends on your needs. All mediums are psychics but not all psychics are mediums and there are many that lie in between. To determine the right fit for you it is necessary to understand some of the differences between these terms. Also, it is helpful to consider the nature of your questions and what you are seeking to get the full benefit from your experience. Above all, relax and enjoy your reading!
Elementals are the physical incarnations of earth, air, fire, and water. Some are Fairies, Sylphs, mermaids, and salamanders. Paracelsus first spoke of elementals in the 16th century and they have held a place in myths and stories throughout history. In the present day, indigenous cultures revere them and they have meaning in the occult and new age realms. You may connect with elementals through your intuition and use them in creative ways to connect to energies and learn more about your spirit.
The Shadow is the part of the Psyche that is hidden and unconscious. It may lead to self-destructive thoughts, patterns, behaviors if left unexamined. During times of crisis and change, the shadow often emerges and calls us to examine the parts of ourselves that may be shameful to admit. Through psychic tools for meditation and other methods, it is possible to face, embrace, and clear the shadow leading to greater freedom and joy in the body and increased psychic awareness.