Clairolfaction is the psychic sense of smell. It is one of the many Clairs, which are psychic abilities that are accessed through the senses. It is a form of Extrasensory perception or ESP. Tapping into your clairolfaction may bring greater personal awareness as well as glean insights for a readee during a psychic reading. As with any ability, getting into a state of neutrality and amusement, through the use of psychic tools and meditation, may ensure greater clarity and understanding.
The Chakra Abilities are read during a clairvoyant reading on a scale of 0 – 100 %. They are read according to how open they were at birth and how open they are now. A chakra is an energy center in the body, the word meaning spinning wheel or vortex. There are body and spirit chakras. Each chakra has corresponding abilities that may be active or latent. The information communicated may provide insight into an individual’s current life circumstances and greater growth as a spirit.
An out of body experience is when a person feels as if they have left the body and are floating above it. It can be induced by traumatic events, near-death experiences, physical, and psychological ailments. It is also a skill that one may train to use at will for the purposes of spiritual and psychic healing, growth and development. Sometimes OBE’s occur unwillingly when a person is experiencing a growth period and a wave of unconscious energy moving through their awareness. Through practices such as meditation, reading, and healing, it is possible to break through and take steps up in personal growth.
Many psychics are what is called ‘natural born’, when they are born with their abilities innate, or their awareness. This may be the result of a family lineage, or past life experience that allows them to carry their abilities into the present lifetime. The question remains are psychics ‘born or bred’? The answer is both and although only certain people have tendencies or interests to pursue this exploration, the possibility is open to anyone who seeks to know.
When a person awakens to their psychic abilities, it can be a bumpy, even painful experience. Although many of us are born with this awareness, few are fortunate enough to have a supportive structure that fosters the development of psychic abilities. Even with support, learning psychic tools, meditation, and participating in regular reading and healing circles is integral to developing and refining skills. Working with others in a facilitated group environment with trained teachers is both supportive and enjoyable. Enrolling in a clairvoyant training program not only strengthens your ability but your reputation.
The paradox of psychic prediction speaks to the ‘chicken or egg’ scenario asking if the information was not relayed would the outcome be the same? Predictive reading raises questions about whether our lives are fated or subject to our will to choose, and therefore creating our destiny. Regardless of whether it is fixed or fluid, clearing out our pictures and beliefs, whether conscious or unconscious creates a more accurate reading. Understanding how these energies interact in a readees space, without seeking to interpret for another, also helps us to give a context to a psychic reading.
Signs and Symbols have been a means to humans throughout time. In a psychic reading, they may be used to access information in a quick and practical manner in order to convey information to the readee with ease. As with any sign or symbol, it only has the meaning that an individual or group assigns to it, which varies. The gift you can give as a reader is to give information that validates the readee, and makes them feel seen. This may inspire them to find their own answers and take empowered action in their lives.
A psychonaut is an astronaut of the ‘inner mind’ that seeks to uncover expanded states of consciousness. This may be achieved through the use of psychedelic, technological, and other methods. It is also possible to travel into the mysterious recesses of the mind and expand awareness through practical, yet effective methods such as meditation and the use of psychic tools.
Awakening is an intensely personal process that may include an increase in psychic awareness. Acscension is when a spirit is trancending to new heights of awareness and a sense that one is moving from everyday 3-dimensional reality to 4th and 5th-dimensional states of reality. This levelling up may actually be a levelling out or over as it is believed that these dimensions exist parallel and simultaneously. Regardless of what perspective you take, the awakening process may create deep transformation. This may be nurtured and developed through meditation and using psychic tools.
Telepathy is a form of non-verbal, non-physical communication. It is possible for humans to communicate on this level. Recent studies have shown evidence that other organisms use telepathic communication to gather information and energize systems. The results of these studies provide insight into how humans connect on quantum level and may communicate and heal. In developing psychic awareness through meditation and the use of psychic tools, we may use our telepathic abilities in more purposeful ways.