Reincarnation, Past Lives, and the Rose Reading
Have you ever had a feeling that you have lived before? You may have visited a place, a building a landscape that brings on a flood of memories. You may have crossed paths with someone that you feel an immediate connection with. Past life memories may also appear in dreams or during a psychic reading. The rose reading a psychic method for revealing past lives and convey information that may relate to your present life.
Are you the one? The terms Soul Mate and Twin Flame are often used to describe an ‘otherworldly’ love. What are sacred relationships and why do we yearn for them? Does this love actually exist? Soul Mates and Twin Flame Unions are viewed as the pinnacle of relationship status where love transcends time and space leading to deep, multi-faceted communion and general spiritual up-leveling. Versions of these seemingly fated unions have inspired poets, musicians and artists for centuries. Many seek out these relationships to feel whole and connected to something greater. Perhaps the challenge is to seek this relationship within ourselves first.
Psychic abilities are often described in varying ways. If you are looking to get a reading or are interested in developing your own self-awareness, there is a sea confusing terminology and information used to describe the work. A simple search for psychics and you will find many words that are related but not all alike. For example, you would probably want to see a psychic to answer life questions related to health, money, love, career, etc., rather than a Medium, as Mediums focus on messages from those that are deceased.
If you have been to a psychic you may notice that each person has a variety of methods to deliver messages and information. You may notice that some use sensations (Clairsentience) or messages (Claircognizance), while others use images (Clairvoyance). Some psychics speak to the deceased (Mediums) or ask for an object to read the energy contained within (Psychometry). In short, there are many ways to gather and deliver information.
A Mock-Up is like a blueprint or design plan. What makes it so potent is that it contains the energy of the thing you desire and focuses on vibration and frequency. Everything you desire to create already exists in a field of possibility. The tool is simple. You create a rose and put into it that which you want to manifest. From a parking space, more money, a new computer, a job, a healthier body or the twin flame/soul mate of your teenage fantasy, you can have it all.