Clairvoyant development opens you up to greater awareness. Clairvoyance is the ability to gain information about an object, place, or person through extrasensory perception, or ESP. It is one of the psychic senses. Clairvoyance consists of the French word Clair, meaning clear, and voir, meaning sight. Clairvoyance and other Clairs are ways in which a psychic gathers information during a reading or healing.
Since ancient times, crystals have been used for adornment, healing, and to increase psychic awareness. Modern scientific and technological advancements acknowledge the vast power of crystals. You may use crystals to enhance your meditation and in developing psychic abilities. Ultimately, they are merely tools and one of many paths to spiritual development.
There are many origins to the story of Santa Claus. He goes by many names in numerous cultures around the world. The antithesis of Santa is Krampus, a half-man, half-goat character that brings punishment to those that are naughty. However, Santa is more than the jolly, bearded, red-suited character of yesteryear. It is a spirit and an energy that you may connect to receive gifts of abundance. Connect with the spirit of Santa Claus to increase your havingness, love, freedom, and joy in the body.
A psychic prediction is when a person uses the ability of precognition to foresee trends and events. They may be specific, including dates, times, places, and names, or more general, like a theme or trend. As with any prediction, it is subject to the free will of individuals. The Psychic School holds an annual prediction party where members look to the following year and read the trends and events in entertainment, politics, medicine, economics technology, and fashion. Here are The Psychic School predictions for 2021.
Clairolfaction is the psychic sense of smell. It is one of the many Clairs, which are psychic abilities that are accessed through the senses. It is a form of Extrasensory perception or ESP. Tapping into your clairolfaction may bring greater personal awareness as well as glean insights for a readee during a psychic reading. As with any ability, getting into a state of neutrality and amusement, through the use of psychic tools and meditation, may ensure greater clarity and understanding.
The Chakra Abilities are read during a clairvoyant reading on a scale of 0 – 100 %. They are read according to how open they were at birth and how open they are now. A chakra is an energy center in the body, the word meaning spinning wheel or vortex. There are body and spirit chakras. Each chakra has corresponding abilities that may be active or latent. The information communicated may provide insight into an individual’s current life circumstances and greater growth as a spirit.
An out of body experience is when a person feels as if they have left the body and are floating above it. It can be induced by traumatic events, near-death experiences, physical, and psychological ailments. It is also a skill that one may train to use at will for the purposes of spiritual and psychic healing, growth and development. Sometimes OBE’s occur unwillingly when a person is experiencing a growth period and a wave of unconscious energy moving through their awareness. Through practices such as meditation, reading, and healing, it is possible to break through and take steps up in personal growth.
Many psychics are what is called ‘natural born’, when they are born with their abilities innate, or their awareness. This may be the result of a family lineage, or past life experience that allows them to carry their abilities into the present lifetime. The question remains are psychics ‘born or bred’? The answer is both and although only certain people have tendencies or interests to pursue this exploration, the possibility is open to anyone who seeks to know.
Psychic abilities are often described in varying ways. If you are looking to get a reading or are interested in developing your own self-awareness, there is a sea confusing terminology and information used to describe the work. A simple search for psychics and you will find many words that are related but not all alike. For example, you would probably want to see a psychic to answer life questions related to health, money, love, career, etc., rather than a Medium, as Mediums focus on messages from those that are deceased.