Blocks can create roadblocks. Developing your intuition is both exciting and challenging. There can be moments of great validation and answers and periods of difficulty and challenges. It takes time to tune in, learn, and integrate practices to develop clairvoyance. Each person’s journey is unique, and there is no fixed time or way to build awareness.
Energy Healing can be life-changing. It raises the vibration and cultivates consciousness awareness. It empowers one to step out of victim consciousness. It gives strength in finding self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-respect. It empowers through change. Using clairvoyant tools, meditation and healing guides are one path in the wellness journey to freedom and joy in the body.
Energy Vampires are people that deplete life force energy. We live in a world where there is a constant bid for attention and energy. At an unconscious level, you allow a vampire or vampires to attach themselves to your energy body through these cords. These cords prevent you from really being yourself. These cords must be severed, and an energetic purification is required for your well-being and the other person’s growth. Psychic attacks are also depleting and can lead to disharmony in the body. Using clairvoyant tools and meditation may help to maintain your psychic hygiene and energetic space.
Energetic cords are energetic lines tethering two people at the level of the energy body. They may be seen almost as an umbilical cord, where rather than transferring nutrients, there is an exchange of life force and emotional energy. It is not limited by time or space, as it is not physical. Two people may live on opposite ends of the planet and feel the magnetic pull of an energy cord. There are many methods to remove cords including clairvoyant tools and meditation.
The types of psychic readings you are drawn to depend on your desire. Taking some time to consider what you are seeking, coupled with surveying websites or through word of mouth, it is possible to make an informed choice about a reader. Having an open mind and checking in with your expectations will also allow for a more enjoyable reading, allowing the reader to tune into you more easily. As with any service, using your discernment and stepping away from a situation where there may be a pressure sale or fear tactics is also a good practice.
Twin Flame and Soul Mate relationships are often used to describe an otherworldly love written about and portrayed in great detail. Ultimately, looking inward at the motivations to find an epic, once-in-a-lifetime love and how you can cultivate both in and out of a relationship is a more empowered view of love. It opens space for new connections and strengthens existing ones. This love always comes back to you.
Space Clearing is not merely about spring cleaning; it’s all about the energy. Space clearing is not about some haunting or poltergeist gone wild that requires removal. However, this is possible. Space clearing can be an opportunity to release energy surrounding a relationship, business partnership, or any situation you want to release. Cleansing and clearing create space for something new to come in. It is possible to use clairvoyant tools and meditation to clear a space. You can take it a step further and set the energy of your space to something in particular that you would like to draw into your life. Clairvoyant tools are accessible at any time and help to keep your personal and physical space cleansed and clear.
Mediumship is when a spirit is permitted to take over the body in a controlled setting for reading and healing. Mediumship development is learning to raise one’s vibrational tone and blend with spirit for reading or healing. There is a saying that all mediums are psychics, but not all are mediums, which may be true.
St. Nicholas, or Santa, is always present in spirit, and to connect, you only need to call him by name and ask for what you need. Santa helps you to up-level your sense of abundance or havingness in your life. When you connect to the Santa vibration, you may experience child-like joy and wonderment, keeping you in lightness and a state of play called psychic ‘kindergarten.’ This high-frequency vibration allows manifestations and miracles to happen. It is arguably the most potent manifestation or mock-up tool that exists.
A psychic prediction is to foretell an event before it happens. As long as humans have existed on earth, various forms of prediction have existed. Today, humans are using Artificial (A.I.) technology to attempt, with some mathematical accuracy, what will come in the future. Even with these attempts, there is no surefire and 100% accurate way to predict the future.