Clairvoyant Healing
Karma is a concept that permeates many religious and cultural traditions around the world. It is the notion that what we create has a ripple effect that radiates out and has a consequential impact. This view of law creates an opportunity to make a value system where we think before we act, we look at situations and relationships from a broader perspective. Karma permeates all life and spans across lifetimes. Reading Karma clairvoyantly to heal and develop insight and awareness is possible.
Now, what about premonitions? As defined earlier, it may be a warning in advance. Many people have had premonitions in different types of situations. When we say premonition, it is conveyed through dreams. A certain foreboding of what will happen soon, but in a vague sense. Premonitions in dreams may be read clairvoyantly to develop a greater understanding and awareness of the self.
Auras are energetic layers surrounding the body, each corresponding to a chakra. We may read, cleanse and clear the aura using clairvoyant tools and meditation. Dynamic and constantly changing, there are no particular meanings behind the colors of the aura, but they may be used to tune in and gather information about a spirit in the present time.
Angels can be seen as spirit guides that offer insight, healing, and help in times of need. They may be called upon at will and used in healing practices. Even during a reading, an angle may be called upon to hold space or provide insight into the readee. As with any guide or being without a body, it is essential to use your discernment to determine if they are beneficial.
Blocks can create roadblocks. Developing your intuition is both exciting and challenging. There can be moments of great validation and answers and periods of difficulty and challenges. It takes time to tune in, learn, and integrate practices to develop clairvoyance. Each person’s journey is unique, and there is no fixed time or way to build awareness.
Energy Healing can be life-changing. It raises the vibration and cultivates consciousness awareness. It empowers one to step out of victim consciousness. It gives strength in finding self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-respect. It empowers through change. Using clairvoyant tools, meditation and healing guides are one path in the wellness journey to freedom and joy in the body.
Mediumship is when a spirit is permitted to take over the body in a controlled setting for reading and healing. Mediumship development is learning to raise one’s vibrational tone and blend with spirit for reading or healing. There is a saying that all mediums are psychics, but not all are mediums, which may be true.
St. Nicholas, or Santa, is always present in spirit, and to connect, you only need to call him by name and ask for what you need. Santa helps you to up-level your sense of abundance or havingness in your life. When you connect to the Santa vibration, you may experience child-like joy and wonderment, keeping you in lightness and a state of play called psychic ‘kindergarten.’ This high-frequency vibration allows manifestations and miracles to happen. It is arguably the most potent manifestation or mock-up tool that exists.
A psychic prediction is to foretell an event before it happens. As long as humans have existed on earth, various forms of prediction have existed. Today, humans are using Artificial (A.I.) technology to attempt, with some mathematical accuracy, what will come in the future. Even with these attempts, there is no surefire and 100% accurate way to predict the future.
There are many paths to creating the life you desire, one of which is through clairvoyant development and the clairvoyant mock-up. No matter what method you use, take time to ask yourself: what are your dreams? Are you in a place where part of it feels limiting or exhausting? If so, it is time for you to manifest your dreams and desires.