Psychic Predictions for 2022
The months of November, December, and early January are when many people are interested in looking into the future and seeing what is in store. Every year, the students, teachers, and staff of the Psychic School, a global online school for the development of Clairvoyance and Clairvoyant healing, gather to reflect and look at the year ahead and make psychic predictions. It is always an entertaining gathering, as well as insightful.
The word Precognition comes from the Latin prae- meaning before, and cognitio, meaning acquiring knowledge. Also known as prescience, future vision, or future sight, it is when a person claims to have the ability to see into the future. According to Psychology Today, it is believed that one-third of the American population has experienced Precognition.
The pineal gland, in the region of the third eye, is a pea-sized endocrine gland. It has the physical purpose to produce melatonin, which regulates sleep patterns in the circadian and seasonal cycles. However, it is also considered to be a mystical part of the human body. Many cultures throughout history and even today view the pineal gland as the portal to what is unseen, the bridge between the body and soul. It is the shape of a pinecone, hence the name pineal gland.
Angels are supernatural beings that appear in many religions and spiritual practices. They have been depicted in art, movies, and literature. Angels are considered to be what lies between humanity and God. They take on many roles, including watching over people, events, heal, protect, witness, and deliver messages. Angels and spirit guides may be helpful for healing and receiving messages. Ideally developing your psychic awareness and releasing and healing before you rely on an angel or guide allows you to distinguish clearly between what is you and what is outside of you.
Growth periods are unique and deeply personal experiences that may be marked by emotional and even physical pain. It can be related to spiritual or psychic practice, but also to life events of birth, death, illness, injury, breakups, job loss, or anything that challenges the individual to take time to stop, reassess, process and take new steps forward. It is a necessary phase in psychic awareness that helps consolidate new learning and insights. Incorporating meditation and psychic tools supports and facilitates this process, creating greater ease in the body.
Spiritual Gatekeeping is when a figurehead, teacher or group restricts access to knowledge, information, resources, or opportunities, it suggests that there is a barrier to knowledge, which puts the power and knowledge outside of the individual. A quality psychic, healing or energetic development program will not say that they have your answers or create a co-dependent atmosphere and actually discourage this in favor of self-reliance, self-agency, and a sense of personal autonomy.
Remote Viewing is a scientific practice of finding information about a distant non-local person, place, thing or event without using any form of sense perception. Remote Viewers look for what is called targets with little to no information, using Remote Viewing is a systematic approach of seeing at a distance. Although it is often associated with clairvoyance, it is easier to remote view than to see through clairvoyance. In fact, remote viewing is touted as a systematic and scientific method that does not require any level of psychic awareness.
Psychics are popular when it comes to predictive readings. Each new year, it is common to look at what psychics see for the upcoming year. Predictive reading is at the very least, entertaining, but can be an interesting practice depending on what value you place on it. Ideally, when we look at this information as a way to make empowered choices and clear any triggers, or pictures, in psychic terms. The following are The Psychic Schoool predictions for 2021 that came out of an annual prediction party. As we pass the halfway mark of the year, it is interesting to look at how the results of the predictions are unfolding.
Psychic attacks are when someone sends energy in a direction intending to cause discomfort or harm to another person or group. It can be emotional, physical, spiritual, or disrupt mental equilibrium. Thoughts may be sent consciously or unconsciously and may result in physical symptoms, like fatigue, headache, and fear, and anxiety, among others. Psychic attacks are a form of lashing out on an energetic level. They may be generated by those who are unaware but may also be sent with intention, which is prevalent in the world of spiritual teaching, energy work and psychic schools and those in private practice. Using your clairvoyance, and greater psychic awareness with the use of psychic tools and meditation create clear energetic boundaries as you move through your daily life and personal responsibilities.
A walk-in is a spirit that takes over a body it did not originally inhabit, either temporarily or permanently. It is when a soul leaves the body to make room for another. It is not noticeable physically; instead, it speaks to a spiritual or energetic experience. As with any information, it is ideal for turning the gaze inwards and finding your answers. This is made possible with consistent practices such as meditation and the use of psychic tools.