Angels can be seen as spirit guides that offer insight, healing, and help in times of need. They may be called upon at will and used in healing practices. Even during a reading, an angle may be called upon to hold space or provide insight into the readee. As with any guide or being without a body, it is essential to use your discernment to determine if they are beneficial.
Blocks can create roadblocks. Developing your intuition is both exciting and challenging. There can be moments of great validation and answers and periods of difficulty and challenges. It takes time to tune in, learn, and integrate practices to develop clairvoyance. Each person’s journey is unique, and there is no fixed time or way to build awareness.
Energy Healing can be life-changing. It raises the vibration and cultivates consciousness awareness. It empowers one to step out of victim consciousness. It gives strength in finding self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-respect. It empowers through change. Using clairvoyant tools, meditation and healing guides are one path in the wellness journey to freedom and joy in the body.
Energy Vampires are people that deplete life force energy. We live in a world where there is a constant bid for attention and energy. At an unconscious level, you allow a vampire or vampires to attach themselves to your energy body through these cords. These cords prevent you from really being yourself. These cords must be severed, and an energetic purification is required for your well-being and the other person’s growth. Psychic attacks are also depleting and can lead to disharmony in the body. Using clairvoyant tools and meditation may help to maintain your psychic hygiene and energetic space.
Energetic cords are energetic lines tethering two people at the level of the energy body. They may be seen almost as an umbilical cord, where rather than transferring nutrients, there is an exchange of life force and emotional energy. It is not limited by time or space, as it is not physical. Two people may live on opposite ends of the planet and feel the magnetic pull of an energy cord. There are many methods to remove cords including clairvoyant tools and meditation.
Everyone can develop clairvoyance; how you express it and what you choose to do with it are entirely up to you. It is not only high-order oracles, back-alley-neon-sign-fortune-tellers, or demonstrative mediums. It is an ability that is accessible to anyone and can provide added layers of growth, awareness, healing, success, and joy to a person’s life. It can be used for relationships in business, cultivating optimum health, wealth, experiences, and a rich understanding of the ebb and flow of human existence.
Spiritual Gatekeeping is when a figurehead, teacher or group restricts access to knowledge, information, resources, or opportunities, it suggests that there is a barrier to knowledge, which puts the power and knowledge outside of the individual. A quality psychic, healing or energetic development program will not say that they have your answers or create a co-dependent atmosphere and actually discourage this in favor of self-reliance, self-agency, and a sense of personal autonomy.
Spiritual practices such as meditation, psychic energetic practices may be used as powerful tools of transformation. However, these practices may also be misused as a way of avoiding difficult emotions and facing the realities of life. Spiritual Bypassing is when a person uses spirituality to hide or avoid more complex feelings or issues in their life. Psychic tools when used in a space of neutrality can create some truly miraculous outcomes, healing, and manifestations. The tools are designed to clear out stuck patterns, pictures, and energies. Using psychic tools and meditation may allow for a more balanced perspective during life’s ups and downs. Coupled with other supports and resources, from coaches to therapists, and other wellness specialists, a well-rounded and healthy approach to personal spiritual growth is possible.
Earth energy is present in all life on earth. In looking at the universe and the world around us, it is possible to see how all organisms, the order, and energies are a mirror. The universe is not only around us but within us. What we experience as human beings may be a reflection of what occurs to the earth as a whole. When we consider our relationship and interconnection to the earth, it raises our awareness of the impact of our actions, thoughts, and energy on the earth’s grid systems. Tapping into these energetic lines, portals, vortices, and centers may also contribute to increased psychic awareness.
Dark Night of the Soul has been referenced in poetry, music, art, and spirituality. It is a period of difficulty and challenge in a person’s life that may lead to spiritual transformation. It may come after a great tragedy of loss, or through some event that shakes the foundations of what one believed to be true or real. It may be marked by apathy, grief, anger, or rage, and a sense of life having no sense of meaning or purpose. It is a sort of “spiritual depression”, that may greatly shift in how one may look at the world and how one wants to show up. It may also be referred to as an existential crisis. When faced, witnessed, and understood, it may lead to personal and spiritual transformation. This is the alchemical process of turning base metals into gold.