Parallel Lives, Timeline Jumping, and Multidimensional Realities
In practicing psychic tools and meditation, we may increase awareness of alternate dimensional realities as we awaken to our own awareness and truth. Accessing this information and connecting with these perceived realms may be an excuse to escape life’s challenges and trials, but when integrated into a present-time reality, becomes more potent and powerful in creating and personal transformation.
Intuition is a felt sense where psychic awareness is reading from clairvoyance among other abilities. An empath is highly intuitive and tends to take on the feelings and sensations of other people. The difference between intuition, empathic and psychic awareness is largely related to the use of tools. When using tools to develop psychic awareness, such as clairvoyance, a person is learning to access and read energies from a neutral space, with the most clarity.
Alien life forms, their potential existence, and contact with humans have fascinated many generations. From movies and books depicting large-eyed green figures to saucer-like spacecraft, it has existed in the collective unconscious since the early 20th century. There is some belief that aliens may have contacted ancient civilizations and shared their knowledge with them. This belief has fueled series such as Ancient Aliens, and various movies, books, and theories around their existence and purpose. Today, there are people that believe they have been abducted and that contact has already been made with Aliens. Some of the results are increased psychic awareness.
Spiritual practices such as meditation, psychic energetic practices may be used as powerful tools of transformation. However, these practices may also be misused as a way of avoiding difficult emotions and facing the realities of life. Spiritual Bypassing is when a person uses spirituality to hide or avoid more complex feelings or issues in their life. Psychic tools when used in a space of neutrality can create some truly miraculous outcomes, healing, and manifestations. The tools are designed to clear out stuck patterns, pictures, and energies. Using psychic tools and meditation may allow for a more balanced perspective during life’s ups and downs. Coupled with other supports and resources, from coaches to therapists, and other wellness specialists, a well-rounded and healthy approach to personal spiritual growth is possible.
Earth energy is present in all life on earth. In looking at the universe and the world around us, it is possible to see how all organisms, the order, and energies are a mirror. The universe is not only around us but within us. What we experience as human beings may be a reflection of what occurs to the earth as a whole. When we consider our relationship and interconnection to the earth, it raises our awareness of the impact of our actions, thoughts, and energy on the earth’s grid systems. Tapping into these energetic lines, portals, vortices, and centers may also contribute to increased psychic awareness.
Dark Night of the Soul has been referenced in poetry, music, art, and spirituality. It is a period of difficulty and challenge in a person’s life that may lead to spiritual transformation. It may come after a great tragedy of loss, or through some event that shakes the foundations of what one believed to be true or real. It may be marked by apathy, grief, anger, or rage, and a sense of life having no sense of meaning or purpose. It is a sort of “spiritual depression”, that may greatly shift in how one may look at the world and how one wants to show up. It may also be referred to as an existential crisis. When faced, witnessed, and understood, it may lead to personal and spiritual transformation. This is the alchemical process of turning base metals into gold.
Angel numbers are said to be a message from spirit or the universe that may offer insight into a person’s life. Repeating numbers have significant meaning that when viewed consistently, may be a sign that you are on your path or a decision is sound. People often view these numbers when they are in alignment and flow, as a confirmation that there are great things ahead. Ultimately, using your own intuition as your compass places you firmly in your power and allows you to navigate life’s challenges and triumphs.
Coincidences may be categorized into synchronistic and serendipitous events. Synchronicity is when a series of repeating numbers, interactions with people, and events align to validate a particular path or decision in a person’s life. They may also be a form of spiritual validation of your intuition. Although it is exciting to see the signs like guideposts in your life, relying on an external source for confirmation separates you from your personal power. With practices like meditation and using psychic tools in one’s daily life, it is possible to self-source your knowing and make decisions with confidence and certainty.
Past life experience a hot topic in the world of spirit. People will seek out to learn information that relates to lives already experienced, through regression and clairvoyant readings. Often people fixate on who or what they were, what power they wielded, and experiences lived. Although entertaining, it does not speak to the reason why we may connect with certain personas and periods in time. During a clairvoyant reading past lives are read as rings encircling the stem of a rose, which seeks to find the broader themes and patterns that can be used in a present time reality. This knowledge may lead to greater growth, awareness, and healing in one’s life.
Ego Death, also known as psychic death, was first coined by Carl Gustav Jung. It refers to when a person loses all sense of identity for a brief or prolonged period, peeling away layers to reveal a connection to a more universal sense of self. It is often held as the highest test of spiritual elevation and transformation, so much so that psychonauts seek to hack into this transcended state using psychedelics. Ego death is often seen during growth periods that are related to stages in personal psychic development. Often this state of uncertainty is an indication that a person is about to take step int their personal growth and awareness.