Beginner Blogs
There are many paths to creating the life you desire, one of which is through clairvoyant development and the clairvoyant mock-up. No matter what method you use, take time to ask yourself: what are your dreams? Are you in a place where part of it feels limiting or exhausting? If so, it is time for you to manifest your dreams and desires.
Understanding our dreams is the most direct way of tapping into this cosmic intelligence. One way to understand dreams and use this as a catalyst for greater personal awareness or even to manifest a life you desire. Coupled with Clairvoyant meditation and tools, it is possible to open new pathways to awareness and understanding.
A ghost is a spirit of a dead person or animal once living. It can appear in its original form. Some believe ghosts are a nuisance to be removed, while others debate their existence. Regardless of beliefs, there is an invitation to learn how to manage your energy and develop greater psychic awareness in managing these “foreign” energies. This can be cultivated using mediation and clairvoyant tools.
Human energy fields include the aura layers and can reflect what is currently happening in someone’s life. Understanding how the aura works are one step toward developing greater psychic awareness. According to spiritual traditions, the aura is an emanation that surrounds the body and has constantly changed colors. It can cover a human, an animal, a plant, or even an object. Also referred to as the subtle body, everything we see around us that appears solid is merely energy. The auric field may see the physical, mental, emotional, and energetic states. The aura consists of 7 layers to correspond with the seven major chakras.
Energy healing is something that many people benefit from, yet so many people dismiss it and think that it is nonsense. They believe that they are better off seeking traditional care. Clairvoyant healing is a form that uses clairvoyant awareness and healing guides or angels as the intermediary performing healing.
Divination is the ability to predict events with or without using tools. Divination tools can be an excellent pathway to getting in touch with your spirit and soul and tapping into your intuition, but it is essential to use them in a balanced way. Being overly dependent on a tool to access your awareness can block you from your true clarity. They can open you up to possibilities, but actual development occurs internally and requires nothing other than your time and attention.
A past life is a life that a soul has previously lived in a different time and body. Past lives are part of the belief system related to reincarnation when a soul chooses to cycle through experiences across lifetimes. Past life information is found in the Akashic Records, which record all information and experiences that a soul has experienced in the past, present, future, and parallel timelines.
A psychic attack is when attention or energy is directed at a person. It can come from an entity (being without a body), family, friends, foes, colleagues, and competitors. It is energy thrown in a person’s direction. Energy Vampires are beings or people who believe they cannot create or sustain their life force without leeching off someone else It is possible to feel the effects of someone or something throwing their energy in your direction.
When embarking on a path towards uncovering your awareness, you may have many questions about what to expect and how to know if you are, in fact, psychic. No matter where you are on the journey, everyone has had an experience where they have a gut feeling about a person or situation that later proves to be true.
It is fascinating to consider the existence of vortices and portals on earth and how they affect the world and all life within it. Using clairvoyant tools to read energy gives greater awareness of how it affects places, groups, and the individual. As a human, you are, in a way, a portal, and may choose what you bring into your life, your relationships, and your spaces.